Want to Give CBD Gummies a Try?

Want to Give CBD Gummies a Try?

This week is going to be epic. The cool weather has finally shimmied in and I personally couldn't be happier. ⁠⠀
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This week is going to be epic. The cool weather has finally shimmied in and I personally couldn't be happier. ⁠⠀
We had a helluva weekend. Weddings, kids sports and then, I announced it would be Harvest Night on Sunday night so we could get our pumpkins going. When we finally sat down to do some creating, I was so hyped up from the weekend's festivities that I could barely form a sentence. So, I drank some water and took a CBD gummie to help me feel more balanced. ⁠⠀
Historically, I would have had a glass of wine, but the reality is, I can't be hungover going into Monday. SO in lieu of a glass of rosé, I took two CBD gummies. Here's how I felt:⁠⠀
1. Not high. (This is important since I didn't want to feel high, just needed to get back on my game)⁠⠀
2. Calm. It took about 30 minutes, but it worked. I calmed down and was present while painting pumpkins.⁠⠀
3. Creative. I wasn't sleepy, which I think is worth mentioning. I had kids to entertain and pumpkins to paint black! ⁠⠀
4. Rested. Last night I sleep like a baby. The truth is, I am also careful not to drink or eat anything that might keep me awake (chocolate or wine) before bed on a school night. This was actually perfect. I have to say, I feel motivated, excited about the week and NOT tired, so I would call this one a success! ⁠⠀
Want to give CBD gummies a try? Start with trusted brands like @thelordjones or @valhallaconfections and let me know how it goes. ⁠⠀
kelly ⁠⠀