Want to hear a funny story?

Want to hear a funny story?

Want to hear a funny story? This weekend we officially bought our 2019 Christmas tree and decorated the whole house with holiday cheer. We did this between massive rainstorms and my low-grade fever. ⠀
Want to hear a funny story? ⠀

This weekend we officially bought our 2019 Christmas tree and decorated the whole house with holiday cheer. We did this between massive rainstorms and my low-grade fever. ⠀

As it turns out, the tree was sparse with soft wimpy branches that I had to practically glue ornaments onto. A decorating fail for a professional interior designer, to say the least. But alas, I was sick as a dog when we went shopping for our tree. I yelled “it’s perfect! SAW! “ (that’s what you yell when you need the cute tree boys to come grab and bag your tree). It was the first “skinny tree” we found. I literally did zero examining of this purchase and when we got her home and unwrapped, I discovered she was bare in the middle. I could literally see through this tree, and not in the cool hipster California tree kind-of-way. ⠀

The kids said it was a good purchase because it was sad looking and wouldn’t have been scooped up if we didn’t buy it. So here we are. 150 baubles and handmade ornaments are delicately holding on for dear life. I shoved most of them into the center part of the tree to “fill her out a bit”. I strung ALL of the lights we own onto her. Lipstick on a pig. ⠀

I’ll story some photos but all I can say is that I don’t know about you but I’m deeply looking forward to 2020. It’s been a year. ⠀