Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day!

Mom's need cannabis too! Reading Happy Mothers Day! 1 minute Next Weekly Recap
Mothers. We all have one. But have you talked to yours about your relationship with cannabis or how cannabis can be introduced into everyday life? ⠀

This Mother’s Day, as I watch states like Oklahoma legalize cannabis, I am reminder to call my mother and see how she’s doing using her cbd for pain management. Is it working, Mom? Are you being consistant and using it daily? Can you find the same products over and over and when you do, are they consistent in managing your pain? ⠀

These are some of the biggest challenges we have with legalization in this country, but I’m an optimist and the evolution of the plant is changing from California to Oklahoma. It is a bright new day for this pretty plant. I am so glad to be a part of the change. ⠀

If you haven’t talked to your Mom about the healing benefits of cannabis, maybe today is the day.... xo,