Collaborations Push us into Our Creative Existence

Collaborations Push us into Our Creative Existence

As designers, collaborations are the things that push us into our creative existence. They force us to look at our weaknesses and push us to hone in our strengths. Really, they are amazing. ⁠
Happy Halloween! Reading Collaborations Push us into Our Creative Existence 1 minute Next This is the New Look of Recovery...
As designers, collaborations are the things that push us into our creative existence. They force us to look at our weaknesses and push us to hone in our strengths. Really, they are amazing. ⁠

I had the honor of working with a @roguepaq, a fellow interior designer turned cannabis designer, on our inaugural bag collaboration. It went well and we are almost sold out. And now I am ready to do it again! It gave me so much energy to go over every last detail, learn about her business and give each other creative feedback, a thing that is not easy to do #withgrace ⁠

And look at what we created! Isn't she pretty?! So next time you feel stuck, out of big ideas or are simply uninspired, pick up the phone and call your fellow female founder. You never know what dreams may come.... ⁠

kelly ⁠

Design matters. ⁠