CBD spray BEFORE I go out.  It is the last thing I do before I leave the house for the evening.  One spray (1.25 mg) is often enough for me, and if I feel my feet start to swell or ache, I take a second spray during the evening.

CBD for fashion's sake

Bye-bye, hangover Reading CBD for fashion's sake 2 minutes Next Mellow Out

Back in college, I often found myself walking home from a long night of fun with my high heel shoes tucked snugly under my arm.  I had finally hit my pain threshold for the sake of fashion and had given up on wearing my shoes for the night.

These days, I find myself in high-heels, tall boots, booties and all other forms of stylish yet uncomfortable shoes for the sake of my outfit.  My work takes me from my office to dinner and late into the night.   At some point, I long for the days when I could tuck my heels under my arm and walk home in bare feet. But alas, I live in a city.

My revelation? CBD spray BEFORE I go out.  It is the last thing I do before I leave the house for the evening.  One spray (1.25 mg) is often enough for me, and if I feel my feet start to swell or ache, I take a second spray during the evening.  I carry the spray in my makeup bag.  I have peeled off the sticker that reads “CBD” in bright letters so it looks more like a regular breath spray.  I buy mint and cinnamon flavors and prefer brands that do not smell or look like cannabis.

Chic + discrete.



*Medical Disclaimer* – The information provided herein is provided for information purposes only. As such it cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional.