I came out of the cannabis closet in early 2018 after a 5-year top-secret stint as creative director for a brand in the Emerald Triangle. My path was not graceful, it was not powerful, it was not pretty or polished. It was controlled and planned and I did it kicking and screaming! I had an existing interior design brand and had been published over a dozen times @betterhomesandgardens magazine, not exactly a pro-cannabis publication! In my mind, I just couldn't get my design brand to line up with my cannabis brand. Also, I was totally scared.
In February of last year, I was pushed into my existence. First, by the fact that I believe in the power of good design and second because I believe in the power of the plant. I posted my face on my brand and shut my eyes....and then the phone rang. It was my mother.
I am an interior designer turned cannabis designer, but even in the beautifully liberal city of San Francisco, this hasn't been the easiest transition. I've sat with interior design clients who I have worked with for the past 20 years, and one by one, I've told them I am moving into the cannabis space. The response has been mixed, but mostly, my powerful, predominately female clientele is cheering me on! As I raise money for this company and head to market with my chic accessories in tow, my design clients are turning to me for advice from cbd to sexpot. Full circle.
So if you are building something you believe in, stop hiding, stop waiting until it is perfect, stop procrastinating. Your fear of what others might think will not serve you.